Bad Job Mentality
It’s Contagious
Tweet Version. “You work for you, companies don’t exist, don’t suck you’ll regret it, cheaters implode, honesty compounds.”
Yelling over.
Old-school wisdom reads something like — “If you work hard, you’ll get what you deserve in life”
New-school wisdom comes in many different shapes sizes and tweets, but here are a couple of things I hear the most:
“Work harder, not smarter”
“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”
“It’s more important what you’re working on than how hard you work”
Aphorisms aside, we all find ourselves in unique situations.
One common thread between us all is that we must eat.
This ain’t a blog to tell you how to make money. The author hasn’t figured that out yet.
But I’ll tell you what this author does have: Confidence, Strength, Resilience, Integrity, and Mad Skills.
Not all my jobs require my MAD SKILLZ yo (yet?). I wish they did. That sounds like a more fun life!
The Lesson
So here’s what happened. I got a little lazy in my job that involves moving micro-fridges in and out of college dorms. I ignored a rule and a miscommunication or two later, I almost lost a large account for the company that hired me.
Truth be told, I care about the company to the extent to which their paychecks go through. Dear reader, you needn’t worry about the company either, for the company does not exist. Think about it. You can’t touch the company. The “company” is just a name we assign to a group of people working together with a common goal. What is the company? The people. Simple. I care about the people and about their feelings towards me. I care even more about my name.
So I agreed to do a job and I executed poorly. And frankly, I’m pissed at myself. I might as well have said no.
We’re all individuals. Whether you are working as a pawn in a greater scheme, or if you are a scheme operator, you have your name, and your name is fragile.
My name aka my pride took a beating.
Carry-over Effect.
Cheating yourself is contagious. I find that cheating in work spills over my mindset in life. If you don’t take yourself seriously, who will?
Good work and energy attract the same. Before you think this is too woo woo, think about it.
Looking back, I realized I’ve wasted too much time not giving my all. When I’m not giving my all, I’m not present. If I were to go back, I would’ve just said “no”.
Guess what, integrity compounds. It opens new doors and acts as a doorstop.
Capitalism at its finest awards integrity in the long run. So make good art. Whether it’s picking up dookie or curing cancer. Shortcuts/get rich quick schemes are a trap.
Details. It’s all in the details. Employers need to provide accurate descriptions of the job so the worker knows what they are getting themselves into. If an agreement is made, then the services should be exchanged in way that reflects the name you want to have, which will also benefit the imaginary “company”.
Miscommunications happen if the details aren’t explained. One could be doing a job wrong without knowing. If there’s any uncertainty. Clarify. Ask questions.
Carry-over effect.
Cheating yourself is contagious. I find that cheating in one area of life leads to cheating in others. Cheating yourself creates conflict within. If you don’t take yourself seriously, who will?
Good work and energy attract the same. Before you think this is too woo woo, think about it.
Make Stuff
I think life really boils down to making stuff with good people. Society may glimmer and glammer at and reward some people more for their stuff. Which is fine. Who knows, you may be one of those people one day, so don’t hate, just create.
One may find, as I do, that it matters not the stuff one makes if surrounded by good people. Some of the hardest times I’ve laughed come from the most grueling of projects with my friends.
But oh boy, if you’re doing lame work with lame people… Get out!!!
People make the world go round. People are your business, not the product. Say that again, remember that. You are more important than whatever product or service the company is slinging. You are your own entity. Value yourself. Slay.